Google, Galileo and Our Tributes

Google recognizes the role of Galileo in modern science as indicated in its display logo today. This day Aug 25 1609, 400 years ago, Galileo opened a new universe to a small community of Venetians challenging conventional views.

The world has never been the same since. We pay our tributes to this astronomer who changed the way we see the world. Though it’s been a long journey from Galileo’s Telescope to the Hubble…pioneers will always be remembered. Thank you Google for this wonderful logo.

Sangeeta Kumar


Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.


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